If immediate attention to your machine is required, we offer an on-the-spot service/repair option. We prioritize your machine by assigning a mechanic from a current job to assess or repair your machine for up to 30 minutes, and if possible, rectify the problem. If the issue cannot be resolved within 30 minutes, the machine will need to be booked in for repair, and standard labor rates will apply thereafter. This priority service attracts the fees listed below and engages our mechanic for up to 30 minutes.
Please note: This priority service does not guarantee the machine will be repaired within the 30-minute timeframe, as some repairs may take longer. Additional costs will apply if more than 30 minutes are needed to complete the repair. This service is available on weekdays only, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, and is subject to mechanic availability.
The Priority service fees are listed below
- Small engines + walk behind mowers ($75(0.5 hour) + Parts)
- Ride on mowers and Vehicles with machines fitted that cannot be removed ($97(0.5 hour) + Parts)
- Commercial Tractors + Riders ($110(0.5 hour) + Parts)
- Tyre Fitment/Repair ($48.50 + Parts)