How To Change A Mower Air Filter

How To Change A Mower Air Filter

When spring rolls around and it is time to re-tame your lawns, it is important that you thoroughly check over your mower and ensuring that it is ready for the grass-cutting season ahead. One of the most important maintenance tasks for achieving this is changing the mower’s air filter, which should be done at least every two years.

Begin by determining whether your mowers operate using a paper or a foam air filter, as each type has slightly different replacement instructions. If you are unsure what type your model uses, consult the manual or take the filter to your local mower supplier and ask them to give you a replacement. 

For a paper air filter, you will need to unscrew the engine cover and remove the old filter. Insert the new filter, ensuring that the pleat is facing outwards. To finish, screw the engine cover back on. 

For a foam air filter, you will need to unscrew the engine cover and remove the old filter. Give the compartment a thorough clean by scrubbing it with some kerosene. Meanwhile, soak the new filter in some clean engine oil and squeeze out the excess oil when you’re finished. Place the new filter into the compartment and screw the engine cover back in place. 

Once your mower’s new air filter is in place, it is important that you regular clean it to ensure that it lasts as long as possible. Improper care can cause your filter to deteriorate well before its time, which can cause all sorts of problems for your mower in both performance and engine issues.